I have figured out how we can bring other people Hope and Joy, It also gives me a larger sense of purpose. I believe we could all use a bit of that these days. I am donating my large scale Flower Art to local memory care facilities and nursing homes in our area. I started making these “happy” floral banner paintings and the people I’ve contacted have said they are making such a difference with the residents AND staff. The staff in nursing homes are the gate keepers for our families health. Big THANK YOU to them. (If you work or visit a care facility that need Art please connect with me, lets do this!

I would like to expand on this idea a bit further and create with you and give back to something you care about.

Here’s how it will work.

All of this large flower Art, will only cost what it costs to print, make and detail. I am donating my time. You will pay an extra 25% that I will then donate to 68 Hours of Hunger.

Forever Flowers.

This is ORIGINAL ART for someone’s Garden or Home and is also beautiful inside a space. The flowers are printed on a durable outdoor material that can withstand the elements. I will install grommets if you would like so you can be ready to hang your ART wherever. And hey… my flowers also last a lot longer than fresh flowers!

To make it more fun and personal, we can/will create together. You can choose the flower, the colors, the size and even select a word if you like. Send it, give it or keep it. Your choice!

Let’s get started, and let’s make a difference together!

Click the Order Form button below to make yourself or someone else happy!


The Edgewood Centre recently posted this thoughtful message on their Facebook page. They also posted my messages that went along with each piece. A big THANK YOU to all these heroes for all they are doing in these difficult times. You ARE appreciated!

Edgewood Center Post.jpeg

Hope, Joy and Connection for Women and Children in care facilities, recovery centers, and hospitals

When I lived in Holland for 3.5 years I became very ill and noticed that at all, yes all of the waiting rooms, treatment centers, surgery facilities, everywhere had beautiful, genuine Art for people to focus on during treatment. The Dutch believe and value in the healing positive properties that Art can bring when people are ill and suffering.

It has been scientifically proven that when someone is in a space where they have Art or a view they recover much faster, in fact it has also been proven that patients with a positive hopeful image or window need less medication,

For now I am working hard on creating pieces that will encourage and support others when they are faced with worry and waiting.

If you work in a space that has empty walls please share this with me so we can get some inspiration and positivity in their sights. email me.

Puerto Rican Strong!

In January, Brian and I headed to Puerto Rico with the idea that we could somehow volunteer and help out the good people there who are experiencing the devastation caused by the recent earthquake. Too dangerous to live in their damaged houses, hundreds of people were living in makeshift camps spread throughout the southern part of the island.

With little if ANY federal aid coming in the locals did what we all knew they would… they all looked out for their neighbors and did what they could. We were lucky enough to tag along with a great group of people to help out in any way we could. The night before we went out to the camps we purchased any supplies we thought these people might be in need of; toilet paper, shampoo, diapers… you name it.

The next day we drove for a few hours to a location with a couple of camps. Being artists and creators, we were assigned the task of taking care of the kids and inserting a little ART into their overturned lives. We made a makeshift gallery with rope, which is just what everyone needed to be happy and proud of what they made.

At the end of a very long day, we were the ones who had been taken care of. We felt that OUR spirits had been lifted by the smiles of these kids and the generosity and kindness of these beautiful people. Even with some language barrier, it was easy to connect with children as well as adults and have them play, enjoy and just create. Muchas Gracias Puerto Rico!